二十世紀初中國內地會在新疆的基督教事業 ─ 歷史因素和發展/黃玉明
本文研究二十世紀初中國內地會在新疆的基督教事業的歷史,尤其是影響 其發展的歷史因素。筆者發現不是傳教士以傳道為主的進路,也不是與哈薩克 人的文化衝突,而是缺乏人力和地方政治不穩。傳教士事實上卻因應當地人的 需要,熱誠地參與傳教地區的醫療服侍,並藉之接觸當地人向他們傳道;而與 傳教士衝突的主要是在地方騷亂時的纏頭(維吾爾族)的宗教領袖。
This paper studies the history of China Inland Mission’s Christian ministry in Xinjiang in the early twentieth century. It especially looks into the historical factors and their influence on the development of the ministry. The author finds out that neither the evangelistic approach of the missionaries, nor the cultural conflict between them and the Qazaq are the influencing factors. Rather, the lack of manpower and the local political instability are the influencing factors. The missionaries were in fact, in response to the local needs, enthusiastically involved themselves in medical services, and through the services came into contact with the local people and preached to them. Those who came into conflicts with the missionaries are mainly the religious leaders of Chanteos (Uighur) during the time of local riots.
原載於《建道學刊》40期(2013年7月),頁 1-54。