華德之革命的基督教思想與民國基督教的廢約運動 /曾慶豹
本文以華德(Harry F. Ward)提出的革命的基督教作為社會福音在中國現實中的具體回應和實踐,作為研究的問題意識。華德的社會分析無疑地影響着中國基督徒在反省中國的資本主義壓迫和帝國主義侵略上的思想來源,它同時也埋下了中國基督徒知識精英對共產主義的同情,尤其是他主張的「革命的基督教」從反對現代工業資本主義的剝削到反對帝國主義,影響着民國基督教青年的思想走向。再者,華德在美擔任「爭取對華公正美國委員會」(The American Committee for Justice to China)的主席,在「五卅慘案」後發表公告,提出調查 事件、取消治外法權和租借、美國從中國撤軍等主張,積極為中國處境表達關懷, 可以說是他對華言論的一種實際行動。
This article discusses the adaptation of Harry Frederick Ward’s Social Gospel with its radical notion within the context of Chinese society during the Republican era. The argument is twofold: Ward’s social propositions have inspired Chinese Christians to reflect on China’s social situation of the day and evoked an empathetic sentiment among the Chinese Christian literati towards communism. In other words, Ward has inspired the Chinese literati elites of the day to ponder on the national exigencies of capitalist exploitation and the invasion of the imperialists. The sympathetic sentiment towards the communists is in fact a rejection towards the stated social ills. During his tenure as the chairman of the American Committee for Justice to China, Ward has issued a strong statement against the great massacre happened in Shanghai’s May Thirtieth Movement. In this important public declaration, Ward’s calls for the immediate investigation on this social mishap; the abolishment of extraterritoriality practice and territory concessions; the evacuation of US military troops from china, and etc are noteworthy.
原載於《建道學刊》54期(2020年7月),頁 3-35。
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