


這篇文章分六部分:第一部分是引言;第二部分是近期路德研究的啟廸;第三部分是路德的神學是一種經驗的神學,因為禱告、默想、屬靈攻擊是神學的經驗元素,神學是一種經驗的智慧。路德神學並非「否定神學」;不過會由「屬靈攻擊」(Anfechtung)進入「上帝的隱藏性」。第四部分指出路德 神學是一種聖經及信仰神學,路德認為神學是聆聽神的話作回應,根據聖經、信經、主禱文作神學的內容,以十架神學作神學重點。第五部分是路德神學對基督徒生活的意義,探討禱告與聖靈的工作、敬拜三一上帝,及背起十架的意 義。第六部分是總結。



This article is divided into six parts. The first part is introduction. The second part is the insight of current Luther research. The third part is Luther’s theology as an experiential theology, because prayer, mediation, spiritual attack are the experiential elements of theology. Theology is also an experiential wisdom. Luther’s theology is not “Negative Theology,” but it begins from “Spiritual Attack” into the “Hiddenness of God.” The fourth part is Luther’s theology as a Biblical and Theology of Faith. Luther believes that theology is the response to God’s Word by listening, and the content of theology is Bible, Creeds, the Lord’s Prayer, and the crux of theology is the Theology of the Cross. The fifth part is Luther’s Theology and the meaning for Christian life, especially the meaning of prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit, the worship of the Trinitarian God, and the bearing of the Cross. The sixth part is the conclusion.

原載於《建道學刊》43期(2015年1月),頁 73-100。



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