From Christ To Social Practice : Christological Foundations for Social Practice in the Theologies of Albrecht Ritschl, Karl Barth and Jurgen Moltmann
/ Ng Kam-weng
Dr. Ng examines the theologies of Albrecht Ritschl, Karl Barth and Jurgen Moltmann in their attempts to connect Christianity and social practice. Christology is assumed as a normative factor for social practice. Christological social practice is viewed as mediated through a specific anthropology, philosophy of history and critical ecclesiology. The paradigm story of Jesus, as Dr. Ng concludes, must go beyond the level of theoretical construct and be embedded in worship, proclamation and ministry of the Christian community. That is to say, Christian social practice springs from acknowledgement of the kingly reign of Christ and from obligations that entail for members of the covenant community of Christ toward each other and toward wider society.
Details: Date: 1996年初版 Page: 240頁 Price: HK$140(精裝)
一 經文分析
二 信仰反省
三 生活應用
一 經文分析
二 信仰反省
三 生活應用
一 經文分析
二 信仰反省
三 生活應用