今夜宿誰家?儒家與教父靈魂觀的比較 / 楊慶球
This paper attemps to compare the two pictures of life after death between Confucianism and early church fathers. We found that in Chinese Confucianism life after death is alway unknown. The theory of spirits and gods is seemed to be the appendix of human beings activities. The later Confucianism even maintainsed that the life after and before death is one. Life after death is just a natural phenomenon. There is no epistemology on life after death.
The similar view point is also held by early church fathers. They are sure that the doctrine of creation and eschatology should be co-related. However, the soul departs from body at the time of death, the situation of soul is quiet and non-active. Souls are waiting for the day of resurrection. The importance of life is in life before death.
Both of Confucianism and early Church fathers are deemed that we should have a meaningful life before death, rather than wasting our time to investigate in the unknown realm after death.
2025 年 1 月 2 日
從梧州到長洲:建道神學院125年的挑戰與恩典 / 陳智衡
2023 年 10 月 1 日
2023 年 6 月 1 日