Fully Chinese And Fully Christian: Ts’ai Yung-Ch’un (Cai Yongchun)(完全的中國人及完全的基督徒──蔡詠春) / Hugh Barbour 巴伯


雙峰對峙──燕京大學宗教學院與金陵神學院之比較 / 徐以驊


Kurz, William S, S.J. Reading Luke-Acts: Dynamics Of Biblical Narrative.(庫茲。《讀路加福音──使徒行傳:聖經敘事體的變化》。) / 張雲開

This book by William Kurz, a professor at Marquette University (Milwaukee,WI), belongs to an increasingly well-established current within biblical studies to employ…

Ludemann Gerd. The Resurrection of Jesus: History, Experience, Theology.(勒特曼著。鮑登譯。《耶穌的復活──歷史、經驗、神學》。) / 張雲開

Gerd Ludemann is Professor of History and Literature of Early Christianity at the University of Gottingen and taught previously at Vanderbilt Divinity School.

凱爾德著。赫斯特完成及編。《新約神學》。(Caird, G.B. New Testament Theology. Completed And Edited By L.D.Hurst.) / 譚有


徐以驊。《教育與宗教:作為傳媒介的聖約翰大學》。 / 邢福增 


葛壯。《宗教和近代上海社會的變遷》。 / 梁家麟 






Revisiting The Case of An Infinitive with Two Substantival Accusatives/Paul W. Cheung

This paper focuses on the question of the syntactic parsing of ambiguous linguistic situations. The case examined is the Greek infinitive constructed with two substantival…

The Beginning of The Gospel The Introductory Statement of Mark’s Gospel (1:1-3)/Ronnie S. Poon

This study seeks to show that the initial quotation in Mark 1:2-3 functions as a bridge between the Old Testament tradition of God's deliverance of His people through the…