ΜΙΑ ΟYΣΙΑ TPEIΣ YΠΟΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ St. Athanasius And the Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity(三位一體──亞他那修的三一論) / 謝正金
本文旨在透過分析亞他那修對 “ousia” 及 “hypostasis” 兩詞的運用及理解,探究亞氏的三一論。作者認為,亞氏雖廁身於亞歷山太學派,但其神學進路卻非亞歷山太的哲學一神學式,卻較接近愛任紐的聖經一神學進路。
This article examines Athanasius’ concept of the Unity and Trinity of God, taking into consideration his understanding and use of theological language and also his theological methodology. It argues that although Athanasius belongs to the Alexandrian tradition, his own theological orientation and approach demonstrates a greater affinity to the biblical-theological schema of Irenaeus rather than the philosophical-theological schema which is customarily associated with the Alexandrian school. This is seen most clearly in his use of philosophical terms which are commandeered for theology’s use and in his construction of his concept of God. This essay examines Athanasius’ understanding of ousia and hypostasis as they are empolyed by theology to properly describe the God who has made himself known through his Son, and who is witnessed in Scripture. This God is unity in trinity and trinity in unity, Being in Action and Action in Being, the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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