「教會似家」 與 「家如教會」——華人教會對家庭事工的認知與實務/彭淑鈴、張江光麗



本質性研究訪問了世界各地的華人教會的牧長或事工領導人,調查其對家庭事工的看法以及實務經驗。研究者一共訪談了在中國、台灣、香港、北美等地區服侍的52位個人或夫婦,並且從40個訪談中綜合歸納出四個主題:家庭事工為教會觸外的平台、 着眼核心價值的傳遞、跨代連結、小團體(組)的效果。對照美國家庭事工運動之兩股動力:「Church-as-Family」 與 「Family-as-Church」 本研究根據受訪者的經驗提出兩項主張:「教會似家」建立歸屬,以及「家如教會」 深化信仰;和其他具體建議。


This qualitative study is to discover how Chinese church leaders perceived and practiced family ministry. Forty interviews were conducted in either Mandarin or English with 52 participants from several areas around the globe, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North America, etc. Four themes were identified from the results, including outreach, core values, inter-generational relationships, and small groups. Compared to the Family Ministry movement in the United States, the Chinese churches have demonstrated the increasing need in both “church-as-family” and “family as church.” The authors proposed that Chinese Churches with the “church-as family” dynamic continue to help establish and strengthen belonging in the faith community and for the “family as church” one to help form and deepen faith in the home. Tentative suggestions to consider some family ministry strategies as means to serve Chinese groups were made based on research participants’ responses.

原載於《建道學刊》53期(2020年1月),頁 109-130。