台灣基督長老教會的神學不是一開始就以「獨立」為其訴求的。在那個「反共抗俄」之官方意識形態主導的年代,長老教會在海外與共產黨國家相關的組織有所接觸而被政府給制止,加上中華民國與美國中止外交關係所形成的集體焦慮,一步步的將長老教會的社會行動立場走向「自決」(self-determination),最後,意外地走向以「獨立建國」為目標。本文從1971、1975、1977年長老教會三個主要的宣言分析其如何從「反帝」,逐漸形成以「台灣」為自決主體的國族想像(Imagination of Nation),是一種從創傷到尋求治癒的過程,因此所謂的「上帝的宣教」(Missio Dei),即是以「本土認同」和「獨立建國」為基國族想像的基調。
The Theology of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan was not appealed for “independence.” In the year which was dominated by the official ideology, “Anti-communism, Against Russia,” Presbyterian Church was stopped by the government due to its contact with oversea organizations which related to Communist State, while at the same time, collective anxiety arose after the suspension of diplomatic relationship between Republic of China (R.O.C.) and United State of America (U.S.) had gradually moved its stance in social action towards “self-determination,” and finally “Independent Nation Development” had become its objective. This article would analyze how three main Presbyterian Church’s declarations respectively at 1971,1975 &1977,from “Anti-imperialism” gradually form an “Imagination of Nation,” where Taiwan was referred as its self-determination subject, in other words, as a type of process from wounded to cure seeking. Hence, Missio Dei is a nationhood imagination that based on the ground of “Local Identity” and “Independent Nation Development.”
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