滕近輝牧師可說是二十世紀普世華人教會最重要的領袖。他一生的思想和 事功,既是華人福音信仰者在此時期尋索回應教會內外的各種挑戰、掌握時代機遇、積極發展的一個頗為完整的歷程;而他的思想和言論,所參與締造的各項事業,亦塑造了當代甚或更遠的未來的華人教會的外觀和路線。檢視滕牧師的生平和事功,我們便大致掌握華人教會在二十世紀的面貌,或說是最好一面的面貌。
本文分為兩部分。第一部分討論滕近輝如何繼承他身處的時代的不同的屬 靈和事工傳統,並藉以塑造他的身分和使命。我們會分開四個段落:第一是他所承傳的華人教會的屬靈傳統;第二是他對十九世紀以來華人福音信仰和事工的繼承;第三是他跟二十世紀福音派運動的關係;第四是他在宣道會運動中的繼往與開來。
Rev. Dr. Philip Teng can be regarded as the most prominent and important leader of the Chinese Churches in the twentieth century. His lifelong thoughts, words and deeds can help the Chinese Christians to explore the internal and external challenges and opportunities of the present age and positively formulate a more comprehensive course, portraying and even shaping a blueprint of the future of the Chinese Churches. As we look at the life and ministry of Rev. Teng, we will be able to grasp the difference facets of the Chinese Churches in the twentieth century, or even its best part or dimension.
This article is divided into two parts. The first part discusses how Rev. Teng inherited the spiritual and ministry tradition of his times and how that shaped his identity and mission. The spiritual tradition of the Chinese Churches he inherited is first presented followed by how he carried on the faith and ministry of the Chinese Churches in the nineteen century. Thirdly, his relationship with the twentieth century evangelical movement is discussed after which the notions of how he followed the past and heralded the future is presented.
In the second part of the article, the unique contribution of Rev. Teng’s seventy years of ministry in words and deeds is explored and examined, how he shaped the Chinese Churches in Hong Kong and even of the world in the twentieth century. His involvement in pastoral ministry, development of the local church, theological education, literature ministry, youth work and the worldwide ecumenical movement are expounded. All in all, Rev. Teng was a leader full of spiritual wisdom, knowledge and discernment as well as a practitioner involving in a wide variety of ministries guiding the expansion of the churches worldwide.
原載於《建道學刊》45期(2016年1月),頁 1-52。

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