Pentecostal movement, since it’s very beginning ignited in earliest 20th century, has featured Spirit-Baptism as an experience that is different from sanctification and salvation, and has given it a definition about receiving power for ministry. However, a few Pentecostals still tend to refer Spirit-Baptism to spiritual exercise and sanctification, when they express this experience. The author would indicate that in Pentecostal belief, Spirit-Baptism should be defined as a prophetic empowered experience about Christian this-worldly task, and should be distinguished properly but not absolutely from Spirituality and sanctification. In this essay, the author will discuss about the historical background for the development of meaning of Spirit-Baptism experience, then compare the relevant argument among for lately Pentecostal scholars. Finally, I will try to give both Spirit-Baptism and Spirituality proper position in Pentecostal tradition, and look forward to making contribution to ecumenical theology.
時代的迴響:王明道日記中的信仰光譜/陳智衡、倪步曉 主編
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