Both Chapter 2 and Chapter 13 of the Gospel of John begin with a feast. The feast in Chapter 2 is directly related to the first miracle of Jesus, it begins Jesus’ ministry on earth, and it also starts an important issue: an issue of “uniting,” this issue is much further elaborated in Chapter 4 and Chapter 9. Chapter 13 to Chapter 20 narrates the third Passover in the Gospel, which illustrates the important lamb of the festival: Jesus. The feast of Chapter 13 signals the beginning of the narration of the festival, through Judas’ leaving it also starts an important issue: an issue of “separating,” and it also shows Peter’s failure of understanding through his three consecutive conversations with Jesus. This issue of “separating” is much further developed in Chapter 18 through Judas’ betrayal of Jesus and Peter’s three times of denial of Jesus. Chapter 21 narrates the reconciliation between Jesus and Peter through his other “three times” with Jesus, in this chapter Peter is switched from “separating” to “uniting.”
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