The revision of the Family Violence Ordinance is finished, but the related theological issues during the debate worth deeper discussion. This article is consisted of four parts besides introduction and conclusion. The first part is the reasons of the revision of the Family Violence Ordinance. The second part is the reflection of the arguments of the revision of the Family Violence Ordinance, including the regulation of the same sex activities according to the law of Hong Kong, the ambiguity of the terminologies in the revision of Family Violence Ordinance, the strong demand of the Legislative Council members to revise the Family Violence Ordinance, the argument of the extension to same sex partner is unclear, and the limitation of the same sex activities is for common good. The third part is the construction of Christian Public Theology, including the Ecclesial Ethics as alternate Ethics, Ecclesial Ethics through public reason becoming Public Ethics, the Church needs to use public language, Liberalism is not the only criteria of public reason, how to learn tolerance when facing the criticism for Christianity? How Christian protects monogamous family? This article tries to react to the demand for the Church to respect pluralistic discourses from the pluralistic view of truth of the non Christian. Whether Christian Ethics could be practiced in the public society? How is the role of the church in the public area? The conclusion of this article is the monogamous family moral value based on Christian has universal validity.

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