


本文聚焦於《教會教義學》卷一第一冊的緒論,為巴特的神學方法論中論 禱告提供詮釋,並按巴特寫作時的思想框架來進行。文章亦嘗試解釋為何巴特採用否定的方式來為禱告立論。最後本文亦指出導致巴特把禱告納入神學方法論的關鍵因素。


This essay provides a commentary on Karl Barth’s conception of prayer in his theological methodology, focusing on the prolegomena in Church Dogmatics I/1. The commentary is written within the theological framework of his thought at the time when the prolegomena was written. It also explains why Barth’s explication takes a negative form by placing it within the developmental stage of his thought. Finally, it identifies the factor which leads to the incorporation of prayer into Barth’s theological methodology.

原載於《建道學刊》48期(2017年7月),頁 77-95。