基督教中的內在醫治(或稱深度醫治、記憶治療、釋放禱告服事或心靈醫治)緣起自阿格尼絲·桑福德(Agnes Sanford)之著作《醫治之光》》(1948)時至今日,不同人士進行不同形式的內在醫治。本文選擇研究靈恩第三波代表領袖之一柯瑞福(Charles Kraft)的內在醫治觀。
The Inner Healing Movement in Christianity originated from the book, The Healing Light(1948) of Agnes Sanford. Nowadays, different personalities practice different versions of inner healing with various conceptions. In this article, we choose to study Charles Kraft, a major leader in the Third Wave of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements.
In summary, Kraft’s conception of Inner Healing is founded upon the supernaturalism and demonization teachings of the Third Wave. He tries to use the supernatural authority and gifts to explore the roots of, and the effective ways to heal those deep inner wounds of a person.
However, Kraft’s misconception of demonization cancels the important conceptual boundary between demon possession and other demons’ activities. So many Christians would wrongly regard all emotional or psychological problems, or sinful thoughts or behavior as demon possession or direct control of a person that can only be resolved through deliverance prayers. In many Christian communities, such “pan-demonism” results in losing of the sense of spiritual peace and freedom bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Kraft’s superstitious concepts such as “blessings” and “curses,” and the uncritical use of “visualization” technique become very popular in inner healing practices and thus create many theological and pastoral problems.
Undoubtedly, the healing of psychological wounds is an important aspect of our sanctification process. However, it is also important for the inner healing practitioners to deal with the critical issues raised from theology and professional counseling field before they put them into use. Otherwise, supernaturalism and pan-demonism would turn Christianity into a new kind of folk religion.

時代的迴響:王明道日記中的信仰光譜/陳智衡、倪步曉 主編
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