As we look back to the history of Christianity in China, we can see that Christianity is frequently condemned as the alien forces that threaten the stability of Chinese society, or is accused as the tools of western imperialism that invade China. However, when we look forward to the 21st century, the author believes that it is cultural conflicts, rather than social order and nationalism, that become major obstacles to the development of Chinese Protestantism.
In order to accommodate cultural conflicts between Christian faith and Chinese ethos, many Chinese Christians advocate to seek a common ground of the two. However, this approach or strategy that focuses merely on similarities actually cannot solve the problem. It is the uniqueness and heterogeneity of Christian faith, that can meet the urgent need of transforming Chinese culture.
This article tries to analyze how Christian doctrine of salvation reflects such a cultural tension. The redemptive grace of Jesus Christ is ridiculous not only to those who hold a humanistic point of view, that emphasize good works of individual, but also to those who believe in retribution, that is embodied in popular religions. The author believes that we must recognize the incommensurability between Christianity and Chinese culture, rather than constructing a theoretical or theological framework at macro level. We shall not be ashamed of the gospel. And our major task is, in spite of the conflicts and tension, to proclaim the meaning of Christian faith to Chinese people.
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