拯救與身分—出埃及神學的建構 / 高銘謙
The theology of salvation stems from the Exodus event in the Old Testament. This article attempts to illustrate the theology of salvation within the theological framework of the Exodus event. It starts from an exploration of the relationship between the Exodus event and the issue of identity, examining the making of the Israelite identity through an interpretation of Exodus 12:37-51 and 19:4-6. This aims to investigate how Israelites gained their identity of covenantal people from slavery, and how the term “mixed crowd” (Exod 12:38) could provide a link to the departure from nationalism, and to the attachment to God’s people as their identity. As such, this article aims to prove that there is an indissoluble bond between the making of identity and God’s salvation event.
原載於《建道學刊》58期(2022年7月),頁 3-16。
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