民族認同與香港人的身分危機 / 邢福增
Identity is one of the most important concerns in doing theology. The first part of this article analyses the identity crisis of Hong Kong people when China resumes her sovereignty. To those who are born in Hong Kong, their double identity as “Hongkongese” and Chinese causes much confusion. Fearing that the freedom, human rights and legal system they have enjoyed will diminish after July 1997, Hong Kong people seems more eager to identify with Hong Kong than with China. As part of the Hong Kong community, Hong Kong Christians cannot exclude themselves from this identity confusion. The dilemma of freedom and human rights Vs national identity is clearly reflected in the controversy of Christian celebration of China’s National Day. In the conclusion, the article points out Hong Kong churches need to build up a national citizenship among Christians as Chinese & “Hongkongese” apart from this existing schizophrenic identity. The Churches also have to teach Christians to learn to discuss and practice their responsibilities as a Chinese citizen in addition to a Hong Kong citizenship.
時代的迴響:王明道日記中的信仰光譜/陳智衡、倪步曉 主編
2025 年 2 月 21 日
2025 年 1 月 28 日
【代院長的話】傳統與開拓之間 / 高銘謙
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2025 年 1 月 2 日
從梧州到長洲:建道神學院125年的挑戰與恩典 / 陳智衡
2023 年 10 月 1 日
2023 年 6 月 1 日