滕近輝牧師是近代知名的華人牧者,也是香港宣道會舉足輕重的人物。滕牧師在1955年或以前已加入宣道會,1987年宣布退下前線,至2013年他離世為止。 在長達半個世紀的歲月裏,滕牧師致力推動文字工作、神學教育、差傳佈道、植堂擴展,對宣道會在香港的發展影響深遠。另外,滕牧師那謙和的性情、胸懷普世的視野、身先士卒的精神,均贏得宣道會人士普遍的愛戴與敬重;這使他能擔當會內聯絡、維繫、領導及顧問的角色,與同袍齊心合力,實踐福音使命。本文 以歷史學角度,回顧及整理昔日滕牧師在香港宣道會各個片段,同時亦探討他在不同時期於不同崗位所扮演的角色,分析滕牧師對香港宣道會的影響與貢獻。
Rev. Philip Teng is one of the most well-known Chinese ministers in recent years and is a significant figure in HKC&MA. Rev. Teng joined C&MA in or before 1955 and has decided to retire from the front line in 1987, until he passed away in 2013. During this half century, Rev. Teng has being promoting Christian literature, theological education, missionary & evangelism as well as church planting and development. He has been very influential in the development of HKC&MA.
On the other hand, Rev. Teng’s humble personality, universal vision and leadership by example, has won the love and respect from a wide spectrum of individuals from C&MA. This allowed him to take up the role of liaison, support, leadership and consultation, and to fulfill the mission on evangelism together with other partners in harmony. This paper seeks to review and arrange the facts regarding Rev. Teng being at HKC&MA from the historical angle. At the same time, it is to explore the various roles he played at different times and to evaluate his influence and contribution to HKC&MA.
原載於《建道學刊》45期(2016年1月),頁 105-130。
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