本篇論文主要按照巴特《教會教義學》(Die kirchliche Dogmatik)的德文原典閱讀,把巴特思想脈絡主要的觀念交代清楚,其中強調上帝的道的優先性,在這個基礎下申論人作為上帝受造的夥伴,開展一種上帝與人兩者主體互動的知識論。巴特沒有否定人的宗教經驗,只是在上帝的啟示為基礎下探討人在教會中與上帝的道相遇所產生的宗教經驗。巴特強調在耶穌基督裏,永恆的上帝進入現在,將永恆與時間連結起來。如此,超越的上帝成為內蘊的上帝,同時是一位來臨中的上帝(kommender Gott)。巴特反對的是自由主義神學所塑造的「文化基督教」(Kulturprotestantismus)。按這思路,筆者認為巴特的神學值得華人學者注意。漢語神學除了包括文化研究的向度以外,亦應該包括教會向度,並且應該運用這些神學資源來發展公共神學,批判社會不公義的現象,促進社會和諧。
This paper follows the German original text of Karl Barth’s Die kirchliche Dogmatik to report the main theme of Barth’s primacy of the Word of God. Based on this presupposition, Barth argues that human being is the created partner of God and develops an inter-subjective Epistemology. Barth doesn’t deny human religious experience, but discusses the human religious experience arising from the human interaction with the Word of God in the Church. Barth emphasizes the eternal God entering the presence in Jesus Christ and links up eternity and time. For this reason, the transcendent God becomes the immanent God and also a coming God. Barth rejects the “Cultural Protestantism” developed by the Liberal Theology. Following this track, the author thinks that the Chinese scholars need to pay more attention to Barth’s theology. The Sino-Theology should not only be limited to cultural studies, it should also include the Church dimension, use these theological resources to develop a kind of “Public Theology” as a social critique of the inequality, and to make contribution to fostering a harmonious society.
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