This paper aims at spelling out the similarity and difference between Moltmann and Lao-tze through their close understandings of the creation and the Otherness of the ecological nature. Both of them emphasize the Otherness of the ecological nature which is ontologically different from God or Tao. This means that nature cannot be ontologically dissolved by God or Tao. Both Moltmannn and Lao-tze consider that nature enjoys its own essence which is different from God or Tao. Though both of them establish their doctrines of creation on the base of Nothing, differences between them cannot be eliminated. Lao-tze’s Nothing has not the character of annihilation but has only the function of non-creating creation. Moltmann regards that Nothing also plays a role that limits the trespass of the creation. Nothing does not only provide possibility for the self- creation of the creation but also restrict the self-divinisation of the creation. It is this double function of Nothing that helps the creation to come to be itself without losing its own Otherness.
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