近輝樓男生宿舍落成奉獻禮 Dedication of Philip Teng Hall
*Monday, April 20, marked the Open Day & Alumni Day as well as the dedicating service of the new Philip Teng Hall at ABS. There were about 650 people in attendance at the various meetings, which included a morning seminar for about 80 young committed Christians who have shown special interest in becoming seminary students. A Thanksgiving Service was conducted in the afternoon with Dr. Philip Teng bringing a message and special music by the All Seminary Choir. The whole congregation then moved on over to the site of the new men’s residence hall for the dedication ceremony. We praise God for what He has done for ABS in the last ten years in the completion of the first phase of new development in the physical plant of the school, which includes a women’s residence hall, a library, and a men’s residence hall, with cost over 10 million Hong Kong dollars. We also wish to express our appreciation to all of you who have given to this development work sacrificially and faithfully. We pray that as we continue to expand for The Kingdom of God, He will bless us more abundantly in preparing His own servants.
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