雙峰對峙──燕京大學宗教學院與金陵神學院之比較 / 徐以驊
燕京大學宗教學院和金陵神學院是1949年前中國新教教會最重要的神學教育 機構,其中一所為大學神學院,一所為獨立神學院,兩所神學互爭雄長,各領風騷,掌攬著中國新教高等教育發展的大勢。本文通過對此兩所神學的比較,試圖勾勒中國新教高等神學教育發展的基本面貌,並且指出中國新教神學教育的重心發生從大學神學院到獨立神學院的遷移,乃是此兩類神學發展的必然趨勢。
The Yenching University School of Religion and Nanking Gheological Seminary were two of the most important institutions of Protestant theological education in China before 1949. These two schools, one university affiliated and the other free-standing, competed with each other for leadership, and both played a vital role in the general development of theological education in China. This paper, based on a comparative study of these two schools, tries to give a general description of the main features of Protestant theological higher education in China, and comes to the conclusion that the shift of the center of grvity from the university divinity schools to independent theological seminaries was an inveitable development of these two kinds of theological schools.