

本文透過原始資料去呈現耶穌會會祖依納爵.羅耀拉(Ignatius of Loyola,1491-1556年)如何受心窄困擾。他的《自述小傳》載有這段經歷,其情況嚴重至使他想自殺。雖然如此,上主恩上加恩地為他解困。筆者首先分析了他的心窄成因,然後又剖析他如何被轉化。最後,筆者析論心窄對他及耶穌會的影響。



This article uses primary sources to illustrate how the founder of the Society of Jesus, Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) suffered from scrupulosity. His autobiography contains this experience, which was so severe that he wanted to commit suicide. Nevertheless, the Lord graciously relieved him from this trouble. The author analyzes the causes of his scrupulosity and how he was transformed. Finally, the author analyzes the impact of scrupulosity on him and the Society of Jesus.

原載於《建道學刊》59期(2023年1月),頁 21-48。