Exclusive Salvation In A Religioiusly Pluralistic Society[宗教多元化社會中的排他救恩﹙中譯﹚]/Millard J. Erickson 艾利克森
艾利克森提醒我們,基督徒相信人必須接受耶穌基督為救主,經歷重生。他引用來德里(Kenneth Scott Latourette)對教會歷史的分析,指出歷史上那些認為耶穌基督並非上帝的兒子,或耶穌基督並非得著救恩唯一道路的教會,最終也無力在歷史舞台上生存。若果教會不能為世界提供真實的出路而改變世界,最終會被世界同化。他重申三一論、耶穌基督復活是基督教信仰的基石。
In the article, Dr. Erickson points out that value judgment in a postmodern culture is doomed to arouse protest; yet Christianity requires men to repent and be converted, and proclaims that be the only way to God. The author lists three examples as to demonstrate modern views that against exclusivism: (1) Southern Baptists on one Jewish Holy Day claimed that they were praying for the Jews to be converted, and this aroused protests from both Jewish religious leaders and liberal Protestants. (2) When the Pope planned to visit India, Hindu leaders proclaimed that the Pope was actually prompting hate crimes against Hindus should he insist that Jesus is the sole way to salvation. (3) Prince Charles states that while he be king, he will change the title “Defender of the Faith” to “Defender of the Faiths.”
Intolerance is regarded as a crime in postmodern societies; people require Christians to give up their stance that to believe in Christ is the only way to salvation. Dr. Erickson observes that there are four Christian responses: First, there is exclusivism, which insists that to repent, be converted and believe in Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Second is universalism, which believes that all will ultimately be saved by God. Third, the inclusivism approach, which claims that salvation is from Jesus Christ, yet there are numerous anonymous Christians among other religions and non-believers. And fourth is pluralism, which claims that all religions are of truth.
Erickson restates that men have to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and be born again, that is what Christians believe. Quoting Kenneth Scott Latourette’s analysis on church history, he points out that there had been churches that denied Jesus as son of God, or He be the only way to salvation, and all these churches were eventually extinguished, that if the church is not able to provide the world a true way and thus bring forth changes, she will be assimilated into secular culture. Erickson restates that the doctrine of the Trinity and the resurrection of Jesus Christ are the foundation of Christian beliefs.
時代的迴響:王明道日記中的信仰光譜/陳智衡、倪步曉 主編
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