RE-MEMBERING THE BIBLE IN SOUTH AFRICA:Reading Strategies In A Postcolonial Context(後殖民的解讀──一個南非的處境) / Gerald O. West 韋斯特
Although European missionaries and colonialists brought the Bible with them to Africa, it can be argued that the encounter with Christianity and the encounter with the Bible should be examined separately. The argument of this paper is that a careful exploration of the ways in which Africans appropriated the Bible will identify a range of interpretative strategies that enabled missionized and colonized Africans to “read” the Bible in an empowering and affirmative manner. Furthermore, it will be argued that the interpretative strategics forged in the colonial encounter have functioned as phenomenological, socio-political, and cultural foundations for subsequent periods. While a host of other, usually imported, interpretative strategies have been used in resisting colonialism and in affirming African dignity and identity, this paper will argue that we need to return and recover the indigenous resources developed by our African ancestors in their initial encounters with the Bible. These interpretative strategies, the paper argues, are essential indigenous resources for the process of reconstruction in Africa.
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