THE USE OF PSALM 4:4 IN EPHESIANS 4:26/Shikai Ronnie Poon
Shikai Ronnie Poon
This article studies the use of the Old Testament in the Ephesians 4:26. After a brief survey in the exegetical options for the difficult phrase expressed in Ephesians 4:26, this article argues from the series of Old Testament quotations and allusions in parenetic section of Ephesians 4:25-30 that the use of Psalm 4:4 is intentional. The study of the textual tradition of Psalm 4 then suggests that the MT and LXX represent two different interpretations of the Psalm in its context, and that the interpretation suggested from the LXX tradition that is quoted by Ephesians would offer support to see the imperative ojrgivzesqe in Ephesians 4:26 as a true command. Thus the study of the use of the Old Testament in this passage may offer additional argument in support of a purely grammatical-syntactical analysis.
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