上帝的隱藏—神學和哲學角度的反思 / 洪子雲
本文嘗試討論謝倫伯格(J. L. Schellenberg)和瑞亞(Michael Rea)之間有關「上帝的隱藏」的爭議,並指出「上帝的隱藏」不能證明上帝不存在,並且有很多文獻顯示,很多人都曾經驗過與上帝建立親身的關係,對那些人說,上帝是真實存在的,並非抽離、遙不可及的。本文亦指出雖然謝倫伯格和瑞亞對「上帝的隱藏」有很不同的看法,但他們都不約而同地假設了「上帝的隱藏」是不好的。然而,筆者從靈修學與終末論角度去思考,並指出就算上帝真的向信徒隱藏自己, 「上帝的隱藏」都只是暫時的,並且可能使信徒對上帝有新的體驗,造就信徒靈命有深度成長。
This article attempts to discuss the dispute between J. L. Schellenberg and Michael Rea about the “hiddenness of God,” and points out that “hiddenness of God” does not support the idea that God does not exist. Furthermore, numerous accounts show that many people have experienced personal relationships with God. For those people, God exist truly and God is not disengaged and indifferent. This article also argues that although Schellenberg and Rea have very different views on divine hiddenness, both assume that “the hiddenness of God” is not good. Based on Christian spirituality and eschatology, I argue that even if divine hiddenness happens, it is only temporary, and it may enhance one’s spirituality and enrich one’s way of the experience of God.
原載於《建道學刊》57期(2022年1月),頁 17-34。
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