本文嘗試為申命記七章1至8節進行神學詮釋,指出這段經文滅迦南七族的吩咐應以「耶和華是一主」的神學確信(申六4∼5)來理解,主張我們應以喻意的解釋來詮釋申命記七章1至8節的吩咐,說明「耶和華是一主」的信仰理應佔據人的心,並藉剷除心中的偶像表明這信仰的不能妥協性。首先,筆者將會簡單總結學術界對命記七章1至8節的不同理解,為本文的研究定位,之後便以經文的上下文說明其文學位置,再以申典神學的向導,論證滅七族的象徵性解釋比較可取。 喻意以色列民作為神的選民必須履行示瑪及「滅絕淨盡」的要求,除去心中一切的偶像,停止與外邦人結盟,好讓他們只尊耶和華為聖,反照出神聖的光輝。
This paper offers a theological interpretation for Deuteronomy 7:1-8, and contends that the commandment of driving out the seven nations should be interpreted within the theological framework of “one Lord” (Deut 6:4-5). We should employ a metaphorical approach in interpreting the commandment of Deuteronomy 7:1-8, and conclude that the theological conviction of “one Lord” should occupy the heart of Israelites, so that the idols in one’s heart must be eradicated at any cost. First, I offer a brief literature review on this subject matter. Second, I elucidate the literary position of Deuteronomy 7:1-6 within the Deuteronomistic framework, pointing out that metaphorical approach should be the best way to interpret the text. Finally, I contend that Israelites, being the people of covenant, should exercise the Shema and the requirement of Deuteronomy 7:1-8, rooting out the idols in their hearts, so that they can worship Yahweh as the Holy One.
原載於《建道學刊》46期(2016年7月),頁 67-78。

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