滕近輝牧師的歷史,可稱之一段禱告的歷史——從他回憶錄對祈禱事件描述之豐富可以得知。在中國奮興佈道運動的背景下成長,禱告醫治、通宵禁食、興旺祈禱會等屬靈傳統,塑造出滕牧師對禱告能力堅定不移的確信。正與他所說, 「禱告,就是推動上帝的手工作。」1956年,滕牧師翻譯 E.M Bounds 一書《祈禱出來的能力》(Power through Prayer),更讓他深信禱告對信仰不可取締的角色。在香港牧會時期,滕牧師繼續以此想念作牧會方針。本文嘗試從歷史與神學的角度,分析滕牧師對禱告的理解,探討在禱告中上帝的工作與人的工作之間的關係,從而反省華人教會在這屬靈傳統的影響下如何走下去。
The biography of Rev Philip Teng can be regarded as a history of Prayer. Grown up in the traditional background of evangelistic revival moment in China(eg. prayer healing, overnight prayer meeting, intensive prayer meeting), Philip Teng had a strong faith on the power of prayer. As he once said, “Prayer is like a hand leading to God’s work.” 1956 Philip Teng translated E. M Bounds’ work Power through Prayer, which had an influential meaning to his later life as well as his pastoral ministry in Hong Kong. This essay analyses Teng’s understanding on prayer in a historical and theological perspectives, and tries to depict his view on the relationship between God’s work and human work in prayer— Teng’s understanding of prayer would have an implication to the theological reflection of spiritual tradition of the Chinese Church.
原載於《建道學刊》45期(2016年1月),頁 213-228。

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