




Jesus is narrated as a suffering servant in the Gospel of Mark, however, his sufferings are not mainly from his extremely busy works, nor mainly from different attacks from religious leaders, his sufferings are mainly from the loneliness that he faces in the Gospel, and this loneliness is much reflected by the contradictory relationship between Jesus and his disciples. In this Gospel, Jesus tries to establish a close relationship with his disciples, which includes private teachings and private times between Jesus and his disciples, however, in the narration of the Gospel, the misunderstandings and failures of the disciples are much related to the loneliness and suffering of Jesus. Through the narration of some of the disciples’ twice and triple events, and the narration of other characters in the Gospel, the contradictory relationship between Jesus and his disciples is much elaborated.

原載於《建道學刊》44期(2015年7月),頁 41-62。