Sociolinguistics In Bible Translating(社會語言學與聖經翻譯) / Eugene A. Nida 奈達
Translation involves far more than linguistic factors of grammatical constructions or semantic classes of words, but more subtlely, the sociolinguistic aspects of language. In order to appreciate the significance of such aspects, it is important to study the functions of language, both psychological and sociological. The former reflect primarily the needs of individuals to sort out and react to their world, and the latter are those that bring about some change in other persons. Psychological functions may involve primarily naming and reacting. These are the capacity for employing verbal symbols either for objects or emotional state. Sociological functions, on the other hand, involve informative, imperative, performative, emotive, aesthetic, and interpersonal. Being sensitive to different levels of language, and non-linguistic codes such as paralinguistic and extralinguistic features are indispensable to an adequate rendering of the source text.
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