丘卡魯。《宣道會學術評論,1995》(Cuccaro, Elio, Ed. Alliance Academic Review, 1995.) / 梁家麟

一九九五年,美國宣道會年會議決印行一本學術年刊,名為《宣道會學術評論》(Alliance Academic Review)……

邢福增、梁家麟。《五十年代三自運動的研究》。 / 張賢勇


Bibliographic Database Management.(書目數據管理。) / 潘仕楷

A perennial concern for those involved in any kind of research is the management of the vast amount of reference materials.

Internet And Library II.[互聯網絡與圖書館(二)。] / 方兆龍

Since my last article, there has been tremendous growth in the use of Internet by various libraries all over the world.
