丁光訓是中國極具影響力的一位基督教領袖。當他由三自兩會的職務上退 下來的時候,在1998年他提出並展開了「基督教神學思想建設」。這是中國基督教內的一件大事。丁主教一直不太滿意中國教會的保守神學思想,希望藉此運動改變教會的一些思想方式,配合政府的政策,打擊保守派的神學觀念,並加強教會本身抵抗境外滲透的活動,同時加速神學思想的多元化。整個運動以丁主教的神學思想為基礎。「神設」這運動的起因,除了大環境因素之外,也與丁光訓個人的鼓吹分不開。他擔任「神學思想建設推進小組」的組長,所以可以說,如果 沒有丁光訓,就不會有「神設」這運動在中國出現。本文嘗試了解主教在這運動中的角色和他的思想如何影響這個運動;並探討這運動的背景,目的和進行方式,評估它的成效。
Bishop K.H. Ting is one of the most influential Christian leaders in China. When he retired from the official duties in the Three-self Patriotic Movement, he initiated the Theological Reconstruction movement in 1998. This movement is an important event in the history of Chinese church. Bishop Ting had long been dissatisfied with the conservative theological practices of the Chinese churches. The three major targets of the movement are: firstly to undermine the conservative traditional Christian theology which was based with fundamentalism, secondly to match the Christian faith with the government’s policy and finally to strengthen Chinese churches from external penetration, in the meantime it helped to diversify its theological thoughts in China. Apart from the external environment, the Theological Reconstruction movement cannot be separated from efforts of Bishop Ting; he was the leader of the Committee of the Theological Reconstruction at the beginning. Without Bishop Ting the Theological Reconstruction might not have taken place in China. This paper outlines the role of Bishop Ting in the movement and how his theological ideas influenced the movement. It also presents the background, development and the implementation of the movement with an evaluation of its outcome.
原載於《建道學刊》47期(2017年1月),頁 155-195。
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