對於深受激進宗教改革思想的侯斯敦 (James M. Houston) 來說,路德與加爾文都同樣被中世紀思考模式所限制,無法跳出由教會主導「基督教社會」的思想。筆者同意從靈修神學角度探討加爾文神學,卻認為要擺脫激進教派對加爾文仍然停留在建構「君坦丁式教會」的觀點,重新思考加爾文的文化神學。本篇文章以二十一世紀多元宗教文化處境為起點,從當代加爾文研究中尋找新亮光。筆者認為加爾文從聖經書卷進行聖經注釋的功夫中,發現聖經裏的教導脈絡,形成一種有秩序和條理的神學教導。筆者認為加爾文的聖經解釋功夫,一方面包括經文注釋 (Biblical Exegesis),另一方面包括神學詮釋(Theological Hermeneutics)。因此,加爾文的文化神學是根據聖經的教訓,對他身處的時代文化處境作出神學回應。筆者順着這方向探討加爾文如何開展文化神學討論。筆者認為「神聖感」與「自然律」是兩個重要的神學觀念,是文化神學的核心概念。
For James M. Houston, who was influenced by the Radical Reformer’s thought, thinks that Martin Luther and John Calvin were confined by the medieval thinking model and were unable to come out of the mindset that the church is dominant over the “Christian Society”. This author agrees that it is correct to approach Calvin Theology from a Spiritual Theology perspective, but we should avoid the radical idea that Calvin was remained in the structure of “Constantine Model”, and should think Calvin’s Theology of Culture in a new way. This article searches for the new insight from the contemporary Calvin’s studies to response to the pluralistic religious culture situation of the twenty-first century. This author thinks that Calvin did the exegetical work of most of the books in the Bible, discovered the teaching pattern of the Bible, formed an order of theological teaching. The author thinks that Calvin’s interpretation of the Bible is consisted on the one hand the Biblical Exegetics and on the other hand Theological Hermeneutics. Therefore, Calvin’s Theology of Culture follows the teaching of the Bible and response to his cultural situation at his time. This author goes in this direction to elaborate the discussion of how Calvin develops his Theology of Culture. This author thinks that “The sense of Divinity” and “The Natural Law Tradition” are two key concepts of Calvin’s Theology of Culture.
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