This essay starts from the genre and the overall purpose of the Book of Revelation to investigate the rhetorical purpose of its apparently violent languages and images. The effects and influence of these languages on the readers will then be analyzed from the common theological perspectives shared by the author and his readers.
The essay argues that by employing these subversive imagery and language, the purpose of the Book of Revelation is to provoke the readers to understand the surrounding political reality through alternative lens. It is hoped that the readers will give up what seems to be politically and economically advantageous at the moment so as to maintain their faithful witnesses and to uphold their ultimate allegiance to God. The hope for final judgment and revenge on enemies, as evinced in the Book, is no more than an expression of the vision for the final removal of evil, fulfillment of justice and revelation of God’s sovereignty. While evil meets its end, God’s mercy and love, as well as His goodwill and purpose for the world to achieve true peace can also be seen.
While human beings generally rely on violence and might to achieve their own goals, the Book of Revelation perceives Christians as an alternative community conquering through obedience and self-sacrifice basing on the example of Jesus on the Cross.
原載於《建道學刊》46期(2016年7月),頁 101-118。
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