This article deals with women’s position in the family and in the church from the biblical point of view. The author begins with the biblical concept of the creation ordinance. It is argued that men and women are created equal ontologically, but subordination of women in the family and in the church is part of the creation ordinance, which holds true in all cultural conditions. This creation order reflects the nature of the triune God. The doctrine of the Trinity teaches that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are equal in essence, but there is the economic subordination of the Son as the triune God works out the plan of redemption. It is also argued that the ideal biblical concept of submission does not entail depreciation or hardship. At the same time the biblical concept of headship or leadership emphasizes humble service rather than “lording it over people”. Paul’s teaching concerning women in ministry also begins with the concept of creation order. Thus, the wife is to submit to the husband and women are to serve in the church under the general headship of men. Women are not allowed to teach as the head of the church in an official manner (1 Timothy 2), but are allowed to preach and teach under the headship of men. In the New Testament, women are allowed to hold high positions in the church as apostles, teachers and prophets. Therefore, there is no reason why women are not allowed to be ordained to serve as pastors under the headship of men. The author suggests that as long as the head of the denomination is a man, women should be allowed to hold the position of senior pastor. In the situation of an independent local church, the senior pastor should be a man and woman is free to hold any other leadership position. This kind of arrangement does not make women “second-class citizens” in the church because Christ in His economic subordination is never considered “ second-class God”.
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