教會權力與大陸鄉村社會──對華北某縣天主教會的考察 / 吳飛
Through a case study of a Catholic parish in Northern China, the article explores the relationship and interaction between rural Catholic churches and their surrounding social/cultural networks. For the political power of State in rural area has been declined in recent years, the church has developed rapidly and becomes an important social organization in some rural areas. This article, thus, is an attempt to fill the blank in studies of power relationship between church and other organizations in contemporary Chinese rural area. Basing on the observations from field work studies and using the concept “cultural networks of power” as analytical basis, the study finds the rural Catholic churches have been integrated with their surrounding culture networks. As a result, the leaders of parishioner in rural area become a new emerging rural-elite class and act as mediator between State and rural society.
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