本文嘗試就潘霍華的盼望觀作出初步探討,指出潘霍華一直對個人、教會 及世界存着盼望。盼望使潘霍華有強大的生命力,甘願為了捍衛基督信仰及重建 人民生活走入險境中,從不計算自己的利益和代價。生活在暴政下,潘霍華從耶穌基督的實在看到世界的將來。作為基督的身體,教會的存在正是世界得到更新轉化的一個徵兆、記號。於是,世界的重建必須由教會更新開始。教會需要重新認識耶穌基督的實在,讓基督的形狀去塑造自己。教會也要通過宣講和社關行動讓基督的形狀落實到世上每一角落去。世界的將來如何就在乎各個領域、部門和單位有否基督的形狀。基督徒是有絕對盼望的,因為基督的形狀已在世界裏開始成形,並且肯定會在「終極」裏得到完滿實現。
This article attempts to give a preliminary study on the topic of hope in the eyes of Bonhoeffer and points out that he always has hope for himself individually, for the church and the world as well. Hope gives Bonhoeffer strong vitality, willing to put himself in danger for the sake of defending Christian faith and rebuilding people’s lives without consideration of personal interests and costs. Living under tyranny, Bonhoeffer can see the future of the world from the reality of Jesus Christ. The existence of the church, by being as the body of Christ, now becomes a visible sign of the world that has to be changed and transformed. As such, the reconstruction of the world must start from the renewal of the church. The church therefore needs to recognize again the reality of Christ and let the form of Christ to (re)shape herself. The church must also bring Christ’s shape to every corner of the world through preaching and social caring actions. The future of the world depends on whether or not all the realms, departments and units have the form of Christ. Christians have absolute hope, for the form of Christ has begun to take shape in the world and will surely be fulfilled in the ‘ultimate’.
原載於《建道學刊》49期(2018年1月),頁 29-52。
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