本文旨在以王明道與華北中華基督教團(包括其前身華北基督教聯合促進會)為個案,探討下列三個問題:一、日軍在倫陷區內對基督教的政策,以及華北基督教團的成立經過,特別是參與其中的教會人士的心態;二、重建王明道在 1942至1943年間面對華北教團的心路歷程,特別是他在抉擇過程中,如何面對外在壓力及內心恐懼;三、把王氏拒絕參加華北教團一事,置於政教關係的脈絡下來討論,從而突顯淪陷區內中國教會與日軍政府,以至不同背景的中國教會人士間的角力關係,其中尤重教會人士對抵抗與合作的不同考量。
This essay aims to study Wang Mingdao’s attitude towards Japan’s policy during the Sino-Japanese war in the 1940s, and the formation of North China Christian Union (the former League for the Promotion of Church Union in North China). The study focuses mainly on three aspects: (1) Japan’s policy on Christian churches in occupied area and the formation of North China Christian Union; the attitudes of church leaders who had participated in the organization is stressed on. (2) The mentality of Wang when struggling in decision whether to join the NCCU or not. (3) The Chinese Christian’s wrestle with Japan in the occupied area, and also tensions created among churches with different backgrounds. Particular attention will be given to different considerations for resisting or collaborating with Japan.
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