The article first points out that the problem could be tackled meaningfully only from an ecumenical point of view. Then the article explores and discusses the public nature of the Lord’s Supper from three different angles. As a rite of remembrance, the Lord’s Supper reminds us the public and revolutionary character of the person of Jesus Christ. The church-community should not only reflect its relationship with the world but also exhibit in the world an alternative way of life. As a rite of participation, the Lord’s Supper enables us to live out a new life by union with Christ. Through the acceptance of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, a person is mysteriously uplifted to participate in the life of the Triune God and then restore the image of God. As a rite of anticipation, the Lord’s Supper anticipates the consummation of the kingdom of God. It is a rehearsal and also a proclamation. It proclaims that the whole world will finally experience God’s liberation, salvation and renewal. The article finally states that the Lord’s Supper is a public space. In this particular place, the church-community shows to the government and society that unity in diversity is both a possibility and a reality.
原載於《建道學刊》44期(2015年7月),頁 63-84。
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