香港基督教史研究之史料與議題──以倫敦會女傳教士柏嘉理(Katherine Brameld, 1906-1984)的《青山》(Clear Mountain)為例/湯泳詩
傳教士文學也可以成為香港基督教史研究的史料之一,並能為該範圍開拓更多的研究課題和方向。本文即嘗試利用差會檔案館所藏的女傳教士文獻史料,來論述傳教士文學在香港基督教史研究範疇的貢獻。本文首先介紹倫敦會女傳教士柏嘉里(1906-1984) 於1971年寫成的《青山》,並繼而以此文本作為分析的對象,以剖析傳教士文學在香港基督教史研究的角色,即基督教女性文學的啟示、傳教士與華人的中西身分互相了解,以及香港基督教史科際整合的研究等等,期望幫助我們對香港基督教歷史的面貌有更多元的了解。
Missionary literature is one of the precious sources for the study of the history of Hong Kong Christianity. It helps to enrich the research areas and issues on the field of the history of Hong Kong Christianity. This article uses the archival material of The London Missionary Society (LMS) to illustrate the contributions of the missionary literature to the stated field. This article introduces us Clear Mountain, a novel written by a woman missionary of LMS, Katherine Brameld (1906-1984). From the text, the author helps us to learn more about the role of missionary literature in this specific research field, namely, the shine from the Christian women literature, the mutual understanding between the identities of Chinese converts and foreign missionaries, and the interdisciplinary research trend on the research of the history of Hong Kong Christianity. This article provides with us a multi-facets understanding of the Hong Kong Christianity.
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