近代中國基督教史,向以差會及傳教士為研究中心,華人教會及信徒的研究卻是不多。本文從華人教會自立的角度,集中討論香港崇真會的創立與發展。首先介紹巴色會來華宣教的經過,以了解崇真會的歷史。繼而分三階段探討崇真會於香港的發展,分別為巴色差會在香港(1847-1923)、崇真會「香港區會」(1924- 1950)及香港崇真會(1951-1999)。其中第三階段是崇真會發展的「黃金時期」。最後,本文以張維豐任會長時(1939-1968)的崇真會發展作為個案,以說明崇真會發展過程中,教會領袖的重要性及其間曾出現的波折,加深研究者對1949年後崇真會發展動力的了解。
This article introduces the brief history of the Basel Mission as a background for learning the history of the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong. The role played by missionary societies and missionaries is essential, but that of Chinese Christian is of no less significance. Hence, this article would use the scope of the Chinese Independent Church to examine the establishment and development of the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong. This article is divided into 3 parts, namely, the Basel Mission in Hong Kong (1847-1923), “Hong Kong District Board” of the Tsung Tsin Mission (1924-1950) and the “Golden Period” of the Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong (1951-1999). Finally, the author use President Zhang Wei Feng (1939-1968) as a case study to illustrate the importance of church leaders and the difficulties they encountered.
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