

本文旨在探討澳門基督教會在上世紀六十年代末之政治風潮中所受到的影響。1966年的「一二.三」事件是澳門歷史的轉捩點,也促發影響深遠的1967年聖若瑟中學被鬥爭事件。但由於種種原因, 六十年代的澳門政治事件長期受到忽略。事件使澳門教會流失大量信徒,不少海外教會將宣教重心移往香港,最主要的傳教事業——傳道教育(學生福音工作)也從此失落。社會的變遷也阻礙了以後的傳教工作:澳門教會從此失去原有的良好社會形象、傳教空間。認識這段歷史,有助於理解澳門基督教會多年來相對緩慢的發展。



This paper studies the influence of political incident happened in 1960’s to Macao Protestant Church (MPC). The 1966 “12.3” incident is the critical event in Macao history and also caused the far-reaching 1967 “CDSJ Struggle” incident. But the 1960’s political events were ignored in many years for various reasons. They caused a great loss of Christians and missionaries in MPC. Worse still, the prominent ministry of MPC (student evangelism) ceased to exist hereafter. These social changes therefore impaired MPC favorable social image and missionary environment. This historical study helps to understand the underdevelopment of MPC.
