As we study the New Testament, inevitably we need to delve into the Graeco-Roman historical context, and thus take into account the imperial decrees of the Roman Empire. This study focuses on the decree issued by the Roman emperor Claudius granting various privileges to ship owners who transported grain during a severe grain shortage. In the process we examine existing laws promulgated during the reign of Caesar Augustus concerning marriage and child-bearing. From the study, we conclude that such laws and the decree of Claudius reflected real situations in Roman society, including social stratification, a huge chasm between the rich and the poor, and vast differences between citizens and non-citizens, between the free-born and slaves, and between men and women. However, such differences may be eliminated or attenuated under certain specific conditions. Against this backdrop, we understand better the role of wealthy women in the early church and the appropriateness of apostolic teaching on social relations for that day and age. On the other hand, we see how the gospel was a countercultural force that overcame social barriers and can provide rich lessons for us today.
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