DAVID'S PHILISTINE SERVICE: According To Josephus(大衛服侍腓利士王的記載──約西法的重述枝巧的研究) / Christopher T. Begg 貝格
撒母耳記上二十七章1節至二十八章2節敘述了大衛逃亡時服侍腓利士王亞吉的故事。本文作者查究了《猶太古史》6.319~326中約西法對這段聖經故事的重述,並將之與瑪索拉版本(MT)、4QSama (死海古卷)、梵帝岡抄本 (Vaticanus)、盧西恩/安提柯中古猶太手稿(Lucianic/Antiochene MSS)的希臘版本及他拉根(Targum)約拿單的前先知書等作比較。文中所比較的範圍包括:約西法可參考的文本、其再述的技巧及特徵、重述的故事中約西法意圖傳遞給讀者 -外邦人與猶太同胞-的信息。
1 Sam 27:1-28:2 tells the story of the fugitive David’s time of service to the Philistine king Achish. This essay investigates Josephus’ retelling of the Biblical episode in his Jewish Antiquites 6.319-326, comparing his version with the source account as attested by MT, 4QSama, Codex Vaticanus and the Lucianic/Antiochene MSS of the LXX, and Targum Jonathan on the Former Prophets. Topics addressed by the comparison include the text-form(s) of 1 Sam 27:1-28:2 available to Josephus, the rewriting techniques and distinctive features evidenced by his version, and the messages his retelling of the story might be intended to convey to his double audience, i.e. cultivated Gentiles and fellow Jews.
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