在後現代思潮中,傳統新約研究賴以建立的重要前提都被質疑。本文主要 將從歷史、文本和研究受眾三個角度切入,簡述當今德語新約學界對其動搖的基礎之回應和建構性的嘗試,從而勾勒當今德語新約學界的研究現狀。總的來說,德語新約界的主流依然是堅持歷史研究,但同時不斷改良傳統的歷史批判方法,嘗試將歷史批判的方法與以文本為中心的傳統敘事學理論相結合,同時不斷吸納當代敘事學理論的新成果。對於受眾危機的回應,以戴歌德為代表的德語學者努力將學術與時代問題結合,希望新約研究能服務教會和更廣闊的社會羣體。
The fundamental assumptions of New Testament studies are challenged by postmodern theories. This article will focus on the response of the German-speaking New Testament scholarship to this challenge from perspectives of history, text and audience. In general, the mainstream of the German-speaking scholars insist on keeping doing historical research, but with modifications of the traditional method of historical criticism. Combining historical criticism and text-centered narrative theories as well as constantly absorbing new theories from contemporary narratological research are two key ways of improvement. Responding to the audience-crisis, the German-speaking scholars, represented by G. Theißen, are striving to combine academic research and current social issues, so that the New Testament study can serve both the faith community and broader audience in the society.
原載於《建道學刊》47期(2017年1月),頁 61-73。
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