Globalization is a significant phenomena which attracts many theologians to respond. This paper aims to introduce the German theologian Jürgen Moltmann’s theological understanding and criticism of this universal development. For Moltmann, globalization and the kingdom of God share the same spirit of claiming itself as the eschaton of the world. However, Moltmann considers globalization as a kind of market-oriented Capitalism behind which is the belief of economic liberalism. Francis Fakuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man highly supports such kind of globalization as the end of human history. Against of this Moltmann purposes that only the human freedom actualized in the kingdom of God offered by the Triune God is what worthy for human being to pursue since the value of human being is not measured by the market but construed by the relationship in love which is the eschaton promised by the triune God in His economic activity.
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