House churches in China have been relatively hidden from the society in the
past. In the recent years, some of the house churches in Beijing have been undergoing transformation and opening themselves to the public, signifying a historical progress from being “underground” to becoming visible in the society. How the church leaders perceive the religious, political and social identities of the church have also played an important role in shaping the views of their congregation. This article uses two of the most influential house churches in Beijing-Shouwang Church and Gospel Church-as case studies. Both churches were established in the 1990’s, have reached a congregation size of about 1000 by 2011, and their leaders and congregation are mainly comprised of young intellectuals. The major difference between the two is their development model, reflecting differences in their core concepts, visions and missions. By tracing the historical development of the two churches and exploring the views of their leaders and congregation on the identity of the church, this article attempts to paint a clearer picture of the identity and position of Beijing house churches in the society today.
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