This article attempts to reflect on the problem of how the Free churches could strengthen the sacramental elements and character in the practice of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. First, on behalf of his own church’s tradition, the author points out that the Free churches have always resisted to interpret the two Christian rituals from the angle of sacrament, reflecting its theological traditions toward minimalism and practical considerations. When the church looks down on theological discourses and neglects the importance of the sacraments, the growth of the church herself will be seriously hindered. After these comments, the author introduces the thoughts of several evangelical scholars, pointing out that the Free churches in the West have begun to pay attention to the problem of sacraments. Beyond differences, they are all trying to explicate the nature and meanings of the two Christian rituals more broadly from a theological discourse which is building on the doctrine of the Trinity. One of the implications is to remind the world that the establishment of relationships and the practice of ethics require an ontological foundation. At last, the article reminds the Free churches to allow for the possibility of mystery in the world before exploring which interpretation could be well-suited to the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.
原載於《建道學刊》51期(2019年1月),頁 21-42。
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